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Mission Statement

Rising Above exists to bring healing and restoration by educating, equipping, and empowering Indigenous people through the love and grace of Jesus Christ.

Vision Statement

To see Indigenous people empowered by the Holy Spirit experiencing life, identity, purpose and healing in Jesus Christ for the Glory of God.

The Beliefs:

  1. There is one living and true God, creator and sustainer of all things, infinitely perfect and eternally existing in the communion of three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
  2. God the Father is the ground of all truth, the standard of all goodness, the measure of all beauty, who supplies providential care for all that he has made and loved.
  3. Jesus Christ is Lord, God incarnate, fully human and fully divine, one person forever, the truth whom we seek and adore. Conceived by the Holy Spirit and born of the virgin Mary, Jesus lived a sinless and obedient life, atoned for sin by his death on the cross, rose bodily for our justification, and ascended to glory where he now mediates on behalf of his people.
  4. The Holy Spirit enables believers to live holy lives by God’s regenerating, sanctifying, and illuminating power.
  5. Holy Scripture is divinely inspired, complete, entirely trustworthy, and authoritative for faith and life. It is to be believed as God’s instruction, obeyed as God’s command, and trusted as God’s pledge.
  6. Human beings are created male and female in the image of God. They are called to glorify God, to live in communion with God and one another, and to be stewards of God’s creation. All people fail to live up to this calling. They are sinners by nature and by choice. Sinners are justified and renewed only by accepting the grace and mercy of God, poured out in the crucified and risen Son, who is received by faith alone.
  7. The Church, the body of Christ, is composed of all true believers. Local churches, as the visible presence of Christ’s body, are called to declare the good news of salvation through worship, discipleship, and witness among the nations.
  8. Through the cross God triumphs over the evil powers that violently oppose God’s plan and people. Jesus will visibly return to reign over all creation in power and glory. The righteous in Christ will rise to eternal life and the unrighteous to eternal separation from God.

The Values:


1.  We will always be guided by our Faith and Life covenant.


2.  Freeing Indigenous people and people of all cultures from the effects of abuse.

3.  Spirit-led counselling that is biblical, Christ-centred and deals with the issues of the heart leading to lasting behavioral change. Additionally, we value an individual’s cultural background and identity and the roles they play in realizing wholeness of life.

4.  Indigenous leadership and working alongside non-Indigenous people.


5.  Our outreach to Indigenous people and particularly the youth.

6.  Leadership development: broadening the base of leadership and training Indigenous people.

7.  Interconnectedness with other ministries in accomplishing our mission.


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